

ENG 222: American Literature II

This course is the study of selected representative works by American writers from 1865 to the present. Special attention is paid to literary periods, major literary themes and major authors.

ENG 239: World Literature II

This course focuses on modern European and non-Western literature. Students examine cultural expression in language and art, the impact of emigration and exile on identity and gender and the deep connections among globalization, politics and the literary imagination.

ENG 265: Literature and Film

This course explores the similarities and differences in both the form and content of works of literature—short stories, novels, nonfiction, drama—and their cinematic adaptations. Using literary and filmic examples from a variety of cultural traditions, the course considers how the two media draw on their unique aesthetic elements to develop characters, themes, narrative lines and point of view.

ENG 266: African American Literature

This course is a historical survey of African American Literature. Students will study a wide variety of genres – the slave narrative, folklore, the blues, the novel and poetry – to better understand the unique contributions writers of African descent have made to the American imagination. Other possible topics include the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement and African American women authors.