

BIO 205: Human Anatomy and Physiology I (+lab)

This is the first of a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and physiology. Students begin with a review of cellular physiology and then explore the anatomy and physiology of four important systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous. This course has both lecture and laboratory requirements, including dissections. A $50 lab fee is charged.

BIO 206: Human Anatomy and Physiology II (+lab)

This is the second of a two-semester sequence in human anatomy and physiology. The material covered in this course includes anatomy and physiology of the following systems: endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, renal and reproductive. This course has both lecture and laboratory requirements, including dissections and/or computer simulations. A $50 lab fee is charged.

BIO 207: Basic Microbiology (+lab)

This course is for the non-science major. This course will cover basic microbiology (and underlying chemical principles). Cellular structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes will be discussed. The focus of the course will be classification and understanding of the biology of microorganisms. This will include colonization and growth, microbial metabolism, nutrition and control. The structure and function of viruses will also be covered. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of microorganisms in disease. Laboratory sessions will be geared toward a practical understanding of the microbial staining, cultures and growth, nutrition, metabolism and control of microorganisms. A $50 lab fee is charged.