Apprenticeship, Capstone and Learning Portfolio

As an opportunity to synthesize and apply learning from their Liberal Education courses and the courses from their majors, all online associate students complete at least one apprenticeship and all online baccalaureate students complete a senior Capstone project.

Learning Portfolio

The learning e-portfolio is a compilation of work presented to the college by each student prior to graduation.

Students author, create and select artifacts from their college experiences to demonstrate they have met the six college learning outcomes. The artifacts demonstrate reflections on the students’ experiences across the major and the college’s liberal education learning outcomes. Specific artifacts are required within each program.


  • To provide students with a tool to demonstrate their cumulative academic success.
  • To provide the college with an assessment tool to measure learning progression of its graduates.

Apprenticeship (Dartmouth Health/WRI programs)

Upon completion of their Workforce Readiness Institute (WRI) training program, students enter a 2,000-hour registered apprenticeship with the Department of Labor. WRI students are able to take online classes at CSC to complete their associate degree.


The Capstone is one of the final courses in the major and is taken in the senior year through Colby-Sawyer College. The Capstone differs from major to major; see course descriptions.

Purpose: To ensure that all seniors will demonstrate their accumulated knowledge and the learning outcomes of the major and a liberal arts education, effectively communicating their knowledge in an interdisciplinary setting.